Art References


We are trying to establish a style and color theme for the game. The art team has really done a fantastic job of creating the right style to fit the mood and atmosphere this game is aiming for.

The world draws from Southern Spanish Moor inspired architecture. This includes detailed elements such as clay roof tiles to help players orient themselves in the game. The world has a fantastical element to it and is not entirely rooted in reality.  This involves lots of stairs, walls in odd places, out-of reach platforms, etc, for a better player experience with the gravity shift mechanic. 

Color Theory & Tone

Check out some images from our artist, Mona, who has been experimenting with the color theory and mood...


Below, you can see the device the player is using. It's a special gravity shifting piece of technology that is attached to the player's arm. Notice how the view is turned to the side. One of the coolest parts of this game is that you can rotate, or shift, gravity into different directions. This changes the perspective drastically and is super fun to visualize, even before our proof of concept is completed!


Take a peak into Mona's mind as she explores imagery found online for inspiration in color themes and tone.


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